A PhD (doctorate of philosophy) is the highest academic qualification you can achieve in the UK. Successfully completing a PhD programme will often lead to a career in academia and put you at the top of your chosen subject.
How can I get on a PhD?
The majority of students looking to research a PhD will look for PhD scholarships or research programmes offered by universities. Each university will list its PhD opportunities on its website, or you can visit FindaPhD to look through opportunities.
Alternatively, you can contact PhD supervisors at individual universities to see if they have any openings for research programmes.
Many PhD students have already completed a Masters qualification prior to applying for a PhD. Some courses allow you to transfer your Masters research into a PhD if the quality is high enough. You will initially be transferred on a Masters of Philosophy (MPhil) programme before transferring onto a PhD course.
What will I research on a PhD?
In short, you can research or study for a PhD in any subject or any topic. By its very nature, a PhD project is a piece of independent research where you collect and collate your own research before coming up with your own conclusion.
You will work with an academic supervisor who will help you to formulate your research plans and work on your final project. PhD research is normally completed over three to four years of study and credit is given to students who come up with an original concept or new findings.
Subjects such as engineering or education can be studied as Professional Doctorates, meaning that these programmes have a core of taught modules aimed at those looking for a professional career and not an academic one.
How much does it cost to research a PhD?
PhD research can be expensive, but most PhDs are funded by scholarships or bursaries. The minimum stipend in the UK for the 2012-13 year was £13,590 per year tax free.
Find out more about funding UK study with grants, scholarships and loans.