English Language Test

English Language Test

Are you ready for academic studies in the United States?

Take this quiz to find out if you are ready to study your major at a U.S. college, or if you should enroll in an intensive English language program first.

The idea of giving a speech or presentation in English to a class of native English speakers is…

Exciting! You love to practice your English!

A bit scary, but with preparation you will do OK.


What do you think about your TOEFL score?

You’re pleased with your score.

You worry that your score may not be high enough to get into the school that you want.

You don’t have a TOEFL score.

How far along are you in the admission process?

You’ve already received your acceptance letter from the school of your choice.

You’ve requested that your transcripts be sent to the United States.

Admission process? What is that?

How do you usually make friends?

You enjoy starting conversations with new people, and make friends that way.

You meet new people through the friends you have now.

You meet new people through scheduled activities.

What kind of roommate do you want?

You’d like to have an American roommate!

You’d prefer to live with an international student from your country, but having an international student roommate from another country would be a good experience.

You want a roommate who speaks your native language.

Having to write a research paper in English is…

Not hard.

Challenging, but not scary.

Challenging and scary, and you will need a lot of help.

Your English grammar is…


Fair, but it is improving.

You’re not sure.

Do you know which U.S. school you’d like to attend?

Yes, and you already applied.

You researched on the internet, and you found 2 – 3 schools that you are interested in.

You don’t know. Maybe you will try one and transfer to another if you don’t like it.

Leaving your family, friends, and country is…

A little scary, but also exciting.

Scary! Before you go to the U.S., you already schedule a visit home.

Very scary! You don’t know how long you can go without seeing your friends or family.

Taking this quiz was…

Easy! There were 1–2 words you didn’t know, but it was easy to understand.

Challenging. There were many words you had to look up in your dictionary.

You did not understand most of the quiz.

If you answered mostly “A”s…. You are ready for your studies in the United States! Your English is excellent, you have taken the necessary tests for international student admission, and you have done research on your school of choice.

You look forward to learning about American culture and are confidant that you will do well studying and living in the United States.

If you answered mostly “B”s… You are not as confidant with your English abilities, but you are ready to work hard and succeed. You may want to take a public speaking or accent reduction class to bolster your confidence.

Enrolling in an English Language program before taking your academic classes may also be helpful; many language programs offer help with university admissions and a smooth transition to U.S. university life.

If you answered mostly “C”s… You dream of studying in the U.S., but you’re not sure how to apply for admission to a school, or even which school you’d like to go to.

You need to improve your English, and you should enroll in an intensive English language program. Most language programs offer short-term and long-term classes, which makes studying more flexible.

If you miss your family and friends you will be able to return home without hurting your academic studies. An intensive English language program will also have scheduled activities that will help you make friends.